This new collection is a very limited series of one of a kind designs that are celebrating our ever reflecting moon and the magical Cats(Matagots) and bats(Flittermice) that rule the night under the moon's gaze! These designs are built around lovely dark black onyx and rich brown Mahogany Obsidian gemstones along with a few glittering Black Aventurine gems as well ....all will be set in recycled sterling silver.
Cat and Bats will be the animals featured in a natural habitat with a little sprinkle of magick thrown in all with the hopes of bringing to light the issues of orphan cats, the need for spay and neuter programs and to always rescue cats(adopt don't shop).
Also bringing to light the often maligned Bat who really is an animal who is one of our silent guardians...insect eating bats are the cleaners of the night skies,eating millions upon millions of insects that can destroy crops or cause harmful disease...they are critical for a healthy ecosystem.
​​5% of the proceeds will be going to
5% of proceeds will also be going to