Thankliving Collection
This new collection is a very limited series of one of a kind designs that are celebrating the our beautiful friends the trees who are our visual marker of the change of the seasons and our fellow earthlings the Turkey's.These designs are built around American Mined lovely rich red garnets, bright yellow citrine's and the ever magical rutilated quartz gemstones all set in recycled sterling silver and copper.
Turkey's will be the animals featured in a natural habitat and they will be the featured guests and not the main dish! Turkey's are extremely intelligent, caring mothers and fathers who are our friends on this planet and not food! In nature, turkeys spend up to 5 months close to their mothers. Turkeys raised for food never know the comfort of the mother bird’s wings or the joy of exploring the woods and fields with her. Celebrate and give thanks this season for these amazing animals by enjoying and giving gratitude for the earths bountiful harvest of veggies with a vegan Thanksgiving this year.
Release date for this collection will be November 20 (7 pm Central Daylight Time)
​10% of the proceeds will also be going to
Please click the link above for important information about Turkey's