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Farm Animal Fundraising Jewelry News!

Hey all! Hope you are having a lovely summer! I just wanted to let you know about a couple of upcoming fundraisers for the animals! First up is for who recently lost funding to build some fencing for the animals at the sanctuary and so really need your help! Click on their Logo IMAGE below to find out more about their story and specific needs on their Go Fund Me page!

I donated this bracelet $25 and the keychain $22 below for both auctions, both are available on my website and Etsy shop and can be personalized with your own wording by request.

Another auction for the animals coming up is for please follow links to find out more about these amazing sanctuaries for farm animals and participate in the live auctions and or donate as these animals really need your help and support! xx Also if you have a farm sanctuary or micro farm sanctuary and would like jewelry donations for an upcoming fundraiser,live auction or raffle please contact me at and also check out my GIVING page for more information

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